If I get killed, it's most of the time because of a projectile explosive weapon. Tell me now, how often do you get killed by assault rifles in this game? I don't very often, unless I have been hit very low and someone is finishing me off with a auto, I see the chaingun pretty often, but not the assault rifle. That would be great if there was a person on planet earth that could hit every single shot of a assault rifle, it's 50% RNG with the trash netcode of the game.

Theres a good chance the assault rifle seems bad to you becus your not hiting ~60%+ of your shots with it. Your asking to buff the most powerful and over dominate weapon in ascend. Lastly a disc + an assault riffle clip will do just enough dmg to kill a heavy with no pack intervention ( 2675 dmg). The assault rifle does 1.85 times more dmg up close and 2.14 times more dmg at range and enough to down lights and any meduim with 98% or less health.
#Dust devils are only weapon dmg manual
The hitscan pistol for meduim does between 406 and 281 at maximum fall off range.Ĭhains ( tribes slang for all automatic guns even without spin up) are already completely dominate in the game.The hitscans pistols extrodinaly powerful in combinations (too much so as that combinaiton has become "meta") as they require less aiming and are used to get the manual reload bonus/auto reload chains while still putting out dps. The current assault rifle dps is I somewhere around 750 ( about what nj5 was pre otb) this is high enough that at close range it will down a simlar meduim class in 2 seconds and does 600 dps at maximum fall offrange and will down a simlar meduim armor assumeing they have any dmg in 2.4 secs or under